(photo credit: Jim Rakete)
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Sunday // 06/04/00:
Dear Edgar,
Many happy returns on your birthday!
You've given us quite a ride from "Electronic Meditation" to "Antique Dreams" which
we're *all* looking forward too. Music is indeed timeless and you have proven again &
again that there are still TD souls to be touched by extending new and exciting musical
frontiers yet to be explored. Again, many thanks from all of us... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
My Best Always, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berzerkeley, CA / USA
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Tuesday // 07/04/00:
Hi gang!
Gosh... I'm really excited about "Antique Dreams!!!" Hehehe... My old friend Heiko wrote
an extensive review of "AD" in the Tadream lists and I'm still salivating... ~lol~ Can't wait
for July 11th (the release date here in the states) to quietly roll around. A happy "Fourth of
July" to all the bloody Yanks out there in Netland. Indeed, TD is going to blast off my July
4th with plenty of antique fireworks real soon! And, "Dream Mixes III" is right around the
corner... ;-)
My TD Best Always, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berkeley, CA / USA
PS: I'm back in business with my old e-mail account
(NetZero). I've got two wonderful weeks off from
school and will be working on TD backlog (Al's TD
motto #3: "By virtue of definition a TD diehard is
always backlogged!"). ~ROFL~
PPS: Hi Jessica (Chichibomba)! I ditto
Colin's remarks: Well done -- Bravo!!!
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Wednesday // 07/12/00:
(From: ~Force Majeure~)
Hi gang!
NP: "Antique Dreams" is now.
Two words: ~Tangerine Dream~
One reaction: YES!
*Thanks* Edgar & Jerome...
You've made an old Berkeley TD diehard and a slew of others
really happy just to know the names of pieces that we've
listened too for decades! :-)
Cheers, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berzerkeley, CA / USA
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Wednesday // 07/12/00:
"Ode to TD"
Tonight's ripe sunset was all decidedly tangerine...
Very much in full bloom and quite ready to spring.
On this honored TD day we saw and heard an
"antique tangerine" that just fell & blew in our way.
Ba - ba - ba - da... Repeat: Ba - ba - ba - da...
The soothing pleasurable sounds we so long to process,
digest and hear. Each and every band lineup brings us
a different and roaring good cheer. With a single, but
yet solo Stratocaster Fender guitar. Once we might have
said, "Take those golden keyed strings out of Edgar's
hands -- if you please." Besides, we always came back
for more. Much, much more...
Now, Oedipus Tyrannus and Ultima Thule are both clearly
unique as they form running variations almost completely
cleared of all the electronic strife. Then, Calymba Caly
and Flock of Bluebirds brings back to us many pleasant
and fond memories of things past and blue. The mighty
Speed Dragon -- I always wondered what, how and why
this would be so devilishly tuned.
The Edinburgh Castle so proud and strong with its massive
stone doors already beginning to creak the powerful blast
of the upcoming ferocious electronic storms. Naturally,
the Moorland moat that was all surrounding was truly a
~TD classical~ float supreme. And, of course, Sorcerer
& Thief -- well, what a pure found treasure and jeweled
digital bit stream. We see and hear it and very much
want to spin it and quietly set to sublime we all but
just scream.
On weekends we always go to Southland Mall just to feel
the perfectly soothing ebb and flow... Soon to catch the
Cool Breeze of Brighton and proudly say, "Hey there my
old TD buddy M8." Still yet to follow is the regal & proud
Phaedra of Nottingham who clearly knows no earthly,
but yet bandwidth bounds.
Now, we're all quite ready, willing and able -- as we dip
into the forthcoming sunset with its rain bowed spectrum
of multi colored crayons. As, the House of the Rising
Sun places us once again solidly back to basics for all
of us to revel and cherish in TD's never-ending magical
and binding spells. Finally, as we now peacefully set to
pace and once again begin sailing the seven known seas
quietly drifting away. Blissfully content to dwell deep
within the sweet dream of dreams of all those precious
antique tangerines!
Dedicated to: ~Tangerine Dream~
The one & only...
My TD Best Always, -- Al (Berkeley, CA)
PS: Sorry for the second posts & bandwidth.
I just composed this and wanted to share it
with everyone (immediately!). ~lol~ It was
one of those spur of the "TD moment" type
inspirations -- hopefully he says... :-)
(photo supplied by: Seven Feldman)
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Wednesday // 07/12/00:
A TD diamond in the rough, eh? It will just have to do for now as I usually work on these
"Odes to TD" for many months. But, "Antique Dreams" moved me in a very special way
and I didn't want to wait... If I ever do publish these TD Odes. poems and observations it
will clearly be "Vanity Press" and available to all TD diehards that want it. The very first
copy signed and numbered is reserved for you my TD friend and colleague. For now I
~keep~ them in my Ebay "About Me" page URL as I'm Marspolaris. We diehards and fans
waited a very long time to know the names of these priceless compositions and I wanted
to thank ~TD~ as soon as humanly possible. Thanks Heiko!
Best Always, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berzerkeley, CA / USA
Note: Heiko wrote:
Al, what a beautiful poem! Maybe someday the world will witness the publishing of his
book "Ode to TD: selected prize-winning poems from the one and only TD diehard" ?
Then I would be the first one to buy a copy! ;-)
(photo credit: Kent Eskildsen)
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Thursday // 07/13/00:
Colin -- I polished it up a bit and have sent you an alternative version which I'm happy with.
The point was to make a story of all the new titles of "Antique Dreams" in that hopefully I
Best Always, ~Force Majeure~
aka: Al (the TD's pal), Berzerkeley, CA / USA
PS: Both versions are also kept
on my Ebay "About Me" URL page:
Note: Colin wrote:
al(td pal)benson. are you william blake in disguise. you are a man
of many talents. best regards colin(astrophobia) south wales GB
Hi gang!
Normally I'd just sit back and let comments like the one below just fall by the wayside.
Especially with all the heavenly positive remarks, comments, observations and unique
experiences shared by so many fans and diehards from all over the world that have posted
Starting off with the great TD concert at the Palast der Republik on January 31, 1980
featuring Edgar Froese, Christop Franke and Johannes Schmoeling in their first live
performance as a band lineup. I'd say the fans really appreciated that set of performances
in the afternoon & evening and every subsuquent TD concert that I've ever had the
pleasure to listen too or experienced "live" myself...
BTW, we're just now getting the news that "Dream Mixes III" is unfortunately slightly
delayed, but we will witness the very special club-event at: Ground Liftaz at the
Kalkscheune, Berlin on Saturday, October 28th. An evening of Dream Mixes, Drum
& Bass and world exclusive TD dance-extravaganzas. It was stated in the TDI MUSIC
press report (thanks Martin!) that they are proud to announce a party which will be
hosted by DJ Rome, who most of you will easily recognize as Jerome Froese of
Tangerine Dream, and DJ Rescue, a name from the local drum & bass-scene. The
TDI press report also mentioned that there will be a lot of attractions to get you off
your feet and even more to keep you going whether you´re a TD-fan or just long for
a club experience that sticks out of the usual. Here it's reported that the fans will be
treated to the world exclusive first preview of tracks from the upcoming Dream Mixes
III-album. For complete details see the "What's On" just posted in the TDI homepage.
Gosh, my TD toes are tapping already! ~lol~
Best Regards, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berkeley, CA / USA
PS: Still in school and hope to finish late September.
So, still working on my TD backlog on the weekends... :-)
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Saturday // 08/02/00:
Hi gang!
Just thought to add my two cents with something I wrote a while back just before the
airing of the KALX (90.7 FM) special TD radio show on October 20, 1994. In a letter
to DJ Minor-Minor just before the show I wrote:
"Please feel free to visit me anytime. When we can listen for hours -- without having
to pick or choose just forty minutes of music from a virtual treasure chest literally
overflowing with priceless TD gems. You haven't heard nothing yet! (in lieu of a
threat to someday invite me back). Seemingly, I have enough TD music within my
cherished collection to play for weeks on end... At the very least, until Winter breaks
and Spring is finally ready to blossom -- all over again! -- It's SHOW TIME!"
Also, when I trade or just play out my role as ~Force Majeure~ get to listen to the TD
classics (the live concerts), over and over and over again... And, I'm here to tell you
that I've never grown tired of listening to the greats... "They are, after all, simply the
My Best Always, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berkeley, CA / USA
NP: Mainz, Germany (Elzerhof), October 29, 1976.
From the Golden Years ~Tangerine Dream~ of course... ;-)
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Friday // 08/11/00:
Hi gang!
Just thought to provide a small amount of TD comic relief... Tomorrow I'll be wearing
my "Mars Polaris" TD tee-shirt for the very first time! And, since my eBay handle is
"Marspolaris", I'll be going to school in style! ~lol~ Like Joe, I also noticed that report
on the EQ magazine. Have to check that one out...
Without a doubt I agree with Joe. The "live" TD concert material is priceless and if ever
Edgar and/or Jerome released it -- I and many other TD diehards would pay a small fortune
to acquire it. Personally, I don't care where they play just so long as they do. As, when I
wrote about the wonderful "Sony Topping Off Ceremony" on October 30, '99: "You just
lead the way and we shall all follow your dream!", says it all for most of us... Be good
*all* and most importunately: keep T-dreaming!
My Best Always, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berzerkeley, CA / USA
PS: I'm taking a little break from business school.
Get some things in order and still working on that
never-ending TD backlog... :^)
PPS: Helmut: "Ages" is not impossible to find just
darn difficult. Now, "Macula Transfer" well that's
another story... I'll *keep* my TD eyes open for
you. ~lol~
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Friday // 11/03/00:
Thanks Conrad -- I was hoping *someone* would finally mention that!
~lol~ The TDJ Rome (Jerome Froese) playlist (courtesy of Conrad and
Heiko) that evening was:
1) Spirit of the Czar (=Poland)
2) Maedchen on the stairs (1997 version)
3) Diamond dust (=Diamond diary)
4) Astrophobia (red supernova mix)
5) Stereolight (=Encore & Desert dream music)
6) Catwalk (a bit more bass & drum than the album version)
7) Meng Tian (smart machine remix)
And, just to wet every ones appetite Heiko had this to say about
"Stereolight" will go down in TD history, I remember I almost freaked out when I heard
Jerome played it at his performance. This is 8 minutes of pure magic. I was standing in
front of the screen (the show was accompanied by all kinds of videos and animations),
the music came with full blast (it was a bit too loud sometimes) and me and Conrad were
dancing like John Travolta ~LOL~ This track is a mix of original music which is taken
from "Encore", it starts with the slow intro of "Desert dream" and soon kicks off with
a fat drum beat. After a two or three minutes (and this was almost the best part of the
whole show) Jerome included the sequencer part from the very last section of "Desert
dream"..this is obviously a stroke of genius, it sounds absolutely amazing. After four
minutes it changes and then comes the fast part of "Monolight" (hence the title track
"Stereolight"), and again it's absolutely fascinating. This will without a shadow of a
doubt be a track which will make it into my TD Top 10 list of all time.
I along with the rest of you can hardly wait!
Best Always, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berzerkeley, CA / USA
PS: The above an extract from the Tadream digest #682 (10/30/00).
Webmaster: I hope this was OK, as I just wanted to add to Conrad's
& Heiko's pure delight re: what a great event the "Ground Liftaz"
dance concert at the Kalkscheune in Berlin truly was... ;-)
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Sunday // 11/19/00:
Sheesh -- and I thought that I'd be against RULES! ~lol~
Rule #1: No swearing!!!
Don't you remember your mother telling you to wash your mouth out with soap?
Rule #2: If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all!
Ditto the above.
Rule #3: If you just have to *complain* then do it through the proper channels (of which
there are many). If you need a complete list then e-mail me and I'll supply you with all
known TD mailing lists, bulletin boards and chat rooms. Well you know for some of us
(all names withheld -- ROFL~) complain all the time! Even I've done it, but I didn't swear
and I tried to use sensible diplomacy rather than harsh tactics, etc.
My thoughts are that "Neil D" hit the nail on the proverbial head when he said:
"The problem is there are many fans out there that feel deeply about TD's music and they
cannot restrain themselves in making a comment wether (whether) positive or negative.
So, Webmaster, don't be hard on us, we can't help it!"
Well, what say thee? Either we clean up this page or it will be forever lost. Clearly, a lot of
us true TD fans and diehards are really going to be *pissed off" then! OK -- so I stuck my
neck out. Please feel free to chop it off, but do remember -- I've got lots of TD friends. :-)
Al's TD motto #6: And, just_WHO_ was it that said that TD diehards weren't CRAZY?
Best Always, -- Al (the TD's pal) Berkeley, CA / USA
PS: S-L-O-W-L-Y getting my act together. Next week I get
a short break from the kids (teaching chess in schools),
due to the Thanksgiving holidays. Hello to all my TD
friends out there in Internet wonder dreamland. ;-)
(photo credit: Sammlung Wolfgang Pokall)
TDI Homepage Guestbook // Sunday // 11/19/00:
Bruno: A true diplomat as always... :-)
There seems to be on any given issue always a two way perspective with the eternal gray
area in-between, etc. All I was trying to point out was that we can all learn to live sensibly
together or what? Another "Marspolaris" mission to Mars? ~lol~ At our present rate of
space travel we ain't going anywhere too fast or far... Someday that too will change...
What I sincerely hope *NEVER* changes is that we all remember that once upon a time
"TANGERINE DREAM" graced us with musical titles and compositions well beyond our
wildest dreams. In which many of us will listen too (irregardless of what period you favor)
for the rest of our natural lives. There are those of us that dedicate ourselves to preserving
the unpublished compositions and everything in print for the remainder of eternal time. So,
that each new generation can hear and feel what we TD diehard of diehards and loyal TD
fans hold so dear to our hearts.
I've said it many times before and it's *always* worth repeating:
My Best Always, -- Al (the TD's pal), Berkeley, CA / USA
NP: You all know the *bottom line*
Just about anything so long as it's
~Tangerine Dream!~