Click on his picture to find out what?
(He's hiding my ~Arrg~ files too!)
Take me directly to the current update!
(August 31st update):
This page is now optimized for 800 x 600 viewing (the main TD text), and large print.
I'm still working on fixing the pages so they can also be viewed also at 1024 x 768 (for
those of you with large monitors, so they won't run off and appear choppy). Now have
everything organized except the TDI guestbook posts (all parts). That will clearly take
a little bit longer. All done and it only took four hours! ~lol~ Anyway, there's still lots
to do... ~ROFLMAO~
Inserted correctional note: It appears that the optimization for a screen size
of 800 x 600 is medium size print. Also, for those of you with large monitors
(viewing 1024 x 768) that either larger or largest is acceptable. Finally on
April 20th-21st, 2003 removed all of the dead URLs or that are no longer
directing to the intended links from my Tech-Updates page...
(September 4th update):
Added the countdown for ~TD Concerts~ in North America. Also,
fixed and added links back to the home page to display the main set
of links. Updated the ~TDI Guestbook~ with my current posts and
popped into my ~TD diehard guestbook~ and *thanked* a few
friends. :-)
(September 5th update):
Added a few more stellar pics to the
~Mars Polaris~ story and rewrote
the text introduction to the
~TDI Guestbook~ (main index set of links).
(September 7th update):
It appears that GoStats is revamping its website and changing code. ~lol~
SNAFU! ~ROFL~ So, I re-pasted the new code on all my webpages and
pray that don't make any changes again soon... Reset all the counters to
the last time that I viewed them. ~Arrg!~ :-(
(September 10th update):
More internal webpage tweaking. Added a few more animated gifs (see our
little smiley friend above :-), plus a really cool jpeg of Edgar (Thanks Vic!),
and made some more Tadream text additions to the
~Mars Polaris~ story.
(September 18th update):
All right -- finally added the ~TD Master Analogue Tape Lists!~ It
made me feel really good even though it took hours and hours... Also,
added a counter for the countdown in Bernau, Germany! I'm on a roll.
~lol~ Lastly, I added the
~SIR Theater (Hollywood, CA)~ that took
place on July 12, 1995. This is solely a technical report which clari-
fied many of the details that were not known to other than a very few
TD diehards that actually made it to the show. Luckily, I just happen-
ed to be one of them! Coming next are the SIR Theater jpegs!!! :-)))
Inserted note: Over ambitious as always! ~lol~ As, this all
occurred right before my bloody computer went down [sigh]...
Oh well, just be patient as I still plan to get all those scans &
jpegs up and running it's just going to take me a tad bit longer
than originally anticipated. Trust me -- it will be well worth
the *diehard* wait!
(October 10th updated info):
Just popped in quickly (from my work computer) and took out the
TD concert countdown. Seems like "Bernau" was absolutely mind
blowing. Can't wait to hear it! BTW: Added the "Arrg" notice to
indicate to all my friends that I'm computerless at the moment...
~lol~ Hoping to get my home computer back this Sunday if I'm
lucky. Followed by four days off from work!
(October 19th updated info):
~Arrg~ If you want royal headaches -- let your computer go down
and then pray, hope and trust that friends can patch everything back
up again! ~lol~ Hopefully it will be very soon now (fingers crossed)...
Personal TD notes follow (maybe I
should consider a message board?) ~lol~
Duncan: Have "Enterprise" video ("Broken Bow") and
it's ready to be sent (won't bother to explain why it took
so long it's too long a story...).
Heiko: Thanks pal!
I'm jealous as hell of course... ~lol~ (re: your guestbook entry).
BTW: Your unmarked brown envelope is also on the way...
(November 6th my birthday update):
It's my birthday and I'm working! ~ROFL! Should be soon now
(my bloody @#*&^+~ computer finally working once again...).
(November 9th update):
Just popped in to fix and update a few things...
Nothing serious as my friend is picking up the
computer tonight and reinstalling MS '98 with
a viable video card. It will be good to get it
all back and working again soon... I trust my
e-mailbox has surely been overrun by now...
PS: No clue as to what happened to the counters.
~lol~ I'll deal with them later as well.
(December 4th update):
The bloody f--king computer is finally fixed!!! ~lol~
(January 21st-24th updates):
Just corrected a few spelling mistakes and a tad of tweaking... ~lol~
Also, moved the Tadream Digest #1035 (09/12/01), and the Off Topic
(OT) subject "Today's Events in the US" to a new webpage. Anyway,
I'll keep the current set of Tech Updates here, but the main chron list
of them will stay on their own separate webpage... Also, I noted that
Steven (Feldman) has reconstructed his wonderful TD webpage and
I finally fixed the link to Peter Grygorcewicz the late extraordinary
TD fan in the Analogue Section. Without him we wouldn't have the
Berlin ICC (11.15.82) among other things (Edgar gave him the sound-
board as a gift). You'll also find a few old pics of me taken back in my
chess tournament directing days. Besides, it feels really good to work
on my TD website once again... :-)))
(February 9th updates):
In an effort to clean-up this homepage a bit ~lol~ I'll archive some
of the old TD info (USA TD concerts, Alte Musik Festival & the
TDI guestbook) with some new and exciting info from Tadream.
This is of course the "Tangerine Tree" which involves many of
our members (including me). Thanks goes to Maff & Michael
for creating and supplying the links... :-) Also, see the info re:
"Dreamwatchers' Tales (Fable II)" on the Tadream homepage
as well. Further note that TDI has just announced its new re-
leases! The TD concerts at Bernau. Click on the link above
(in "What's New"), and it will take you right there. Besides,
if you just can't *wait* to hear some more E-music -- then
check out the new link below the counters at bottom of this
page featuring: "Evening of Visionary Electronic Music!"
by two very well known artists. Lastly, when there is the time
I'll create the new/old archive page (least that we _not_ever
forgot). ;-)
(February 19th-23rd updates):
In the true spirit of the magical flower faeries guarding the proverbial
gates, I've tweaked the homepage just a tad completing the revamping
of the design layout with assorted icons and artwork. Also, I've added
new clipart, various color backgrounds and changed the text to some
of the other pages as well. Hope that you all like it. Oh, and I almost
forgot... ~lol~ However, you'll have to check it out for yourselves in
the final epilogue of my TDI guestbook posts to find out! Click and it
will take you directly to "Part III" of the guestbook link as it loads the
fastest... ;-)
(February 27th update):
My oldest sister, Gayla, passed away yesterday. She was my favorite
and I loved her lots... Clearly, I'll be out of touch for a spell. Took the
time to express just a few heartfelt thoughts and created a special web-
page to her loving memory of my beloved sister
Gayla Patterson. May
you rest in peace sis...
(March 17th-21st update):
I'm back! Several changes in my life have been made all for the positive.
Trust me -- I won't bore you with all the bloody details! ~lol~ Having
decided to enter the fray and sell a few things on eBay... You can check
either my
~Marspolaris~ "About Me" page on eBay (my handle there),
or the Items for sale by ~Marspolaris~ page. Besides, we are all now
very excited as the Tadream tree project is currently well underway.
The branches have, in most cases, received their discs and the leaves
are soon to follow... And, some of us are already considering what's
up next in the Tadream Tree project -- Round II. So, stay tuned gang! :-)
Added this note: For some unknown reason I've noticed whenever
(March 31st update):
It appears that I've exceeded my one gig bandwidth monthly allotment
on the Tripod website! ~lol~ Well, this is the last day of the month and
it will be back up and running shortly... After all, when a TD diehard or
two get to searching well deep into my TD diehard notes. Besides, this
was also the month (March) that I became a seller/buyer on eBay! Add
all of that up... OK -- sorry for the inconvenience to anyone and I'll just
have to try much harder -- or upgrade... "TD diehard Heaven forbid!"
~lol~ My GoStats counter shoot through the proverbial roof... Oh well!
A "Happy Easter" to everyone. :-)
(April 1st update):
Now, don't be fooled! ~lol~ OK -- let's start fresh again and here
is what's what. For the time being while the GoStats counters are
all messed up, I'll use a single counter on the index homepage and
multiples on all the rest. Probably the only realistic fix will be to
upgrade (see the previous set of tech notes for what happened).
In any event, the "Tadream Tree" project is now well underway
and I expect to receive my package from Joe (our fearless leader
of the Yahoo TD newsgroup Tadream), any day now... So, keep
diehard tuned, stay healthy and watch out for that big black spider
crawling up your back! Happy "April Fools" to everyone... :^)
(April 3rd update):
The Tadream Tree project has finally arrived! Here is
what I posted in the Tadream Newsgroup (an excerpt):
For the complete message go to the
Yahoo Tadream Newsgroup.
Also, be sure to check out the ringmasters post (the td_freak -- of
course) in my TD diehard
guestbook. Note: A new link had been
added to:
"Audiophile junk, Postscripts & Favorite Links." See
"The Unheard TD Discography." I'll be flying high on all accounts
~TD diehard wise~ while the best of the best s-l-o-w-l-y but surely
sinks in! :-)
(May 10th-12th updates):
Well, needless to say "April" was a very busy TD diehard month!
The new TD website "The Unheard TD Discography"
is as "hot"
as ever. The multiple threads in the TD *Diehard* Discussion Forum
continues to grow. You do however now need to join the Forum as
the *Diehard* area has now been fully & officially privatized! ~lol~
Contact Morgan
Feldon for more about the *diehard* membership
details. Note also the completely revamped "Special TD Links"
on the
"TD *Analogue* Tape" webpage... Maybe more to follow
-- just wanted to add the above right now. OK--now I remember...
Added the new link to TD's next event! The "Inferno" concert
which will take place at the "Museumsinsel" (museum island)
in Berlin's old city center in Germany on June 15, 2002. Also, the
all preview color CD artwork for the "Tadream Tree #2" is now
ready and available to drool over--I mean to look at. ~lol~ Check
*it* out!
(June 6th-9th updates):
Guess what arrived today?
One tiny little fifteen CDR pack
package from Seevetal, Germany...
One great big TD *diehard*
smile in Berkeley, CA / USA...
First stop the one & only "RAH, '75.04.02"
-- there *are* no words possible [period]
Best Always,
-- Al pal
Now and forever...
PS: [my sheepish *diehard*
grin is exposed once again!]
Hehehe... Of course it's the *advance* fifteen CDR copies of the
Tadream Tree Round #2. I'll be in TD diehard heaven *all day
today* in celebration of Edgar's birthday! To quote from myself
once again: "They are, after all, simply the best!" 'nuff said...
Inserted Info: For those of you now wondering what "RAH
'75.04.02" signifies it's the ~live~ TD concert at the Royal
Albert Hall (United Kingdom) that took place April 02, '75.
That superb concert (this taken from the BBC master tape in
combination with a 1st gen AD tape) is (IMHO) one of the
greatest concerts that TD has ever performed! Trust me --
my TD analogue ~live~ concert lists is a very long one... ;-)
Also, the GoStats counter has gone completely whacko once
again. The last count here at my homepage central was 1,929
visitors. I'll upgrade soon to a real Pro Counter and see if that
solves the bloody $*(#!)&_ing problem. BTW: If I seemingly
tend to disappear for awhile ~Fear Not!~ I'm in the process of
selling my massive chess library a personal collection acquired
over forty years lifetime. So, just forgive the deep lurk zone mode
for a spell... If you're interested you can view the scan portion of
the "ChessDryad" website by just clicking on the:
"Alan Benson
Chess Book Collection."
FYI: Added the "Tadream Tree #2" cover artwork downloads
(be sure to thank Maff, Joe, Morgan, as well as to the many contrib-
uting graphic artists). Note that I've also now moved the infamous
~Arrg~ files to a new location (formally on the Tech-Updates web-
page)... Check it out as Ed has a little secret for you. ~lol~ Enjoy!
(June 23rd update):
Just dropped in briefly to add two superb links to the wonderful
pictures taken from the Museumsinsel open-air festival. Check
out "Piotr's website" and, also "Rainer's website." You'll note
too that I added some internal hyperlinks to the
"Tech Updates"
webpage (takes you to updates via the month/year), and to my
TD analogue ~live~ concert lists. Hope that they both make
for an eaiser *diehard* navagitation journey while you're here
visiting my TD webpages... :-)
Inserted note: I exchanged "Piotr's website" above for
"Heiko Neumann's website" for the TD concert pictures
from the Museumsinsel open-air festival on my homepage.
As, it appears that Piotr removed the festival pics from his
TD website (or just that I couldn't find them on Feb. 16, '03).
(July 1st update):
Hi Again! Figured to stop bye briefly before I get super busy to
add a few updates. The impending sale of my library (as hinted
to previously) will soon consume me for the remainder of July.
However, first a bit of noteworthy TD news... It has been
reported that ~Tangerine Dream~ will be holding the third
leg of the "Inferno concerts" on August 23rd-24th, the show
times at 9 pm. The venue "Festspiele Burg Nideggen", in the
picturesque scenic location of the yard of the Medieval castle
of the town of Nideggen. There is also the possibility of an op-
tional 3rd TD show on Saturday, August 24th at midnight, but
only if both shows are sold out! I don't have more specific info
to add except that the tickets are for sale at: ""
When I see more specific informational "Inferno" links, or
if TDI finally (!) updates their "What's On?" news section,
then I'll certainly mention it... ~lol~
Getting back to my other project the chess book sale is being
hosted by: "ChessDryad" and the direct link to the listings is:
"The Alan Benson Collection." I've created a special link
to: "The
Benson Chess Library" which gives all the essential
contact, payment and shipping info. The next series of chess list-
ings will be on the well known rare book website: "Advanced
Book Exchange." I'm using the seller's handle: "Bensonian
Books", and this will be created and up and running very soon.
"Happy July 4th" and everyone have a safe holiday. 'nuff said!
(July 27th update):
Just a quickie to add that the TD homepage has finally updated!
They are providing some additional information on the upcoming
~Inferno Concert~ in the town of Nideggen (in the Rhinelands).
For concert information check out: "Festspiele Burg Nideggen"
Also, they have announced that the TDI & TD webpages are to
be merging soon (in a few days but that was a week ago! ~lol~).
Last but not least it looks like someone that we know is going to
be celebrating one year on the Internet soon! I guess that would
be me... I'll think of something to honor the ~diehard occasion~
Stay tuned gang! :-)
(August 26th update):
Hi Gang! Just stopped in briefly to correct a few of the
changes since TD and TDI have merged their websites!
Some of the URL links will now be redirects to the new
~Tangerine Dream homepage!~ Sometime this week-
end I'll attempt to fix most all of the loose ends (hopefully
I got a few fixed). In other TD news the Inferno concerts
took place at Burg Nideggen and the reports that I have
received is that everyone had a great time! (Many thanks
to my friends Jörg and Heiko for their first hand reports
which included a fantastic light show and fireworks dis-
play in the outdoor medieval courtyard!). The TD web-
site should be uploading new concert pictures shortly...
Also, the Tadream-Tree #2 is well underway and the
final copies to be sent out soon (yep, already had the
advance copies long ago). OK -- that's it for now...
I appear *to* be busy... :-)
I must still *be* busy... :-)
Of course *I'm* still busy! ~lol~
(December 19th-20th updates):
Goodness -- have I been away that long? ~lol~ Well, I just
posted my annual Christmas blessing on the new TDI guest-
book (posting #261) and thought I'd better just get over here
quick and do a little of Santa's work! Still much to be done
here but the big news is the TD concert at the Astoria in the
United Kingdom on February 15th. As, TD promises to play
a jam packed evening with a superb rendition of classic hits
going back thirty years! Now that's so way cool... :-) Not to
mention what's up with those three American cities TD may
possibly tour in? See the TD homepage for further details...
Whoops! There appears to be a small ~SNAFU~ problem
with the Yahoo TD webring banner ~ROFL~ I'll begin work
on fixing that one next (if it's even *possible* to do so)... :-(
One word: fixed! ~lol~ Hehehe... Then came back again
today and fixed a few special layout features...
OK -- I'll be back sooner than later this time (promise).
May everyone have a joyous, safe and happy holidays!
(January 10th-12th updates):
He's back! Just announced this morning in the Tadream newsgroup
list -- all seeing soothsayer Martin Kasprzak of TDI International
has reported the featured lineup for the Astoria show in London on
February 15th will be: Edgar Froese (the old electronic work horse
himself), Jerome Froese (the man's got the touch), Iris Kulterer (the
beat is beautiful), and last but not least the "Z" man.
That's Zlatko
Perica. I'm drooling cool guitar riffs already. As, my old TD friend
Heiko likes to say: "Be there or be square!" TD bloody rocks! :-)
Also, added some new banners for the Tad tree digital info and
artwork. Then later found a neat-o jpeg of the "Astoria Theater"
marquee and fixed a few things on the Tech-Updates webpage.
Finally, changed the "Picture of the month" to the "Z" man's
guitar stagerack... ~lol~
A bit of sad news -- first TDI removed the Forum on their website
followed by removing the Guestbook. I've been so busy recently
that I missed what happened to cause the latter to take place...
I see now they shut it down temporally but left the guestbook in
cyberspace (see my posting #379). So, I'll add my last official
TDI guestbook tribute posting to my "Odes to TD." -- 'nuff said.
Zlatko is back in the spotlight again!
(February 12th update):
Well, I waited two very long trying months but the "Tangerine Dream"
webmaster has finally accepted "Al's little slice of TD heaven ~lol~"
to the list of TD fan sites on the official "TD website!" To check it out
go to: "Main / Tangerine Dream Fan Sites."
This is just what I needed to become inspired and I'm looking forward
to working again on my TD fan homepage in the near future... I'm still
working on life's little problems in this tough economy. The upcoming
TD concert is just days away now and I know the show is just going
to be bloody fantastic... Note (via a TD friend - Thxs Andy) that I've
updated the "Picture(s) of the Month" on my TD home page. Enjoy!
Hmm... Another strange move on the chessboard world
stage it appears... Think I'll go ask Alice when she's ten
feet tall!
(April 17th-19th updates):
This must be a truly crazy and strange world indeed. Now TD
is selling their old junk -- I mean (of course) "vintage synth
gear" -- on eBay! ~lol~ Check it out on the "TD homepage."
Note that I've also changed the "Picture(s) of the Month" to
"Picture(s) of the Moment" since I don't always appear here
in a timely manner to pontificate my monthly rants & raves...
There you can now see the scans of the special "Astoria CD"
sold at the London show (thxs to Andy -- again!). Also, I've up-
dated the "Astoria TD London show" info as now we have
a cool set of pics from the TD concert posted. Additionally
added the fresh info regarding the "Tadream Tree #3"
load and spiced up a few areas here and there with new text
& jpegs (and yes -- corrected a few spelling mistakes too!).
Speaking of which, TD has a spicy new CD soundtrack due
out shortly -- "Mota Atma."
OK -- I'm working hard on my brand new chess book web-
"The Alan Benson Chess Book Collection." Now
there will be both chess players and TD diehards coming
to visit my Tripod domain... ~lol~ Oh well, lets hope that
there are no unforeseen crashes or overloads, as then I may
have to finally upgrade if too many problems persists... :-(
All right that's enough non sequitur from little ol' me at the
moment. A very Happy Easter to everyone! (for those cele-
brating). I'll be back again soon enough (Al's motto #19:
"A TD diehards promise is always the very best kind").
(May 20th update):
Goodness -- my web counter has shot through the proverbial
roof and eclipsed 6,000! ~lol~ I must be *doing* something
right... :-) More good news after fifteen months without a job
-- I'm now employed part-time at the "Games of Berkeley"
(GOB for short). Got my first paycheck yesterday... Life is
surely beginning to look & feel good once again!
On the TD front please notice the brand new
"Picture of the
You bet -- it's the man himself that's Ed playing
~live~ at the Coventry Cathedral on October 4th, 1975... My
thanks to Andy for once again supplying a great pic & to Lars
for making a wonderful recording of this fabulous concert avail-
able to me. You might ask yourself -- what does Al do with all
these fabulous"Pics of the Moment?" Fear not -- more special
webpages are forthcoming and when I get a digital camera and
a decent scanner the fantastic tangerine sky is the limit! [the big
diehard grin is fully exposed once again] ~lol~
So, I'm back (almost) and just need to secure both feet land-
ing rock solid on the ground just like the dexterous cat. Once
done when I finally get there next is the Solomon master tape
analogue collection (parts of it) made available to all through
the Tad-tree project (Thanks to Heiko!). Therefore -- Al (the
TD's pal) ~lifelong TD diehard~ will be coming back and
soon. Stay *tuned* gang... :-)
NP: One guess -- two words: ~ Tangerine Dream ~
"They are, after all, simply the best..."
(February 10th update):
It's a very long story... Just wanted everyone to know I'm
OK -- just had to go away for a spell. First, a few changes
in the pictures presented. You'll see above three new ones.
The 1st and 3rd are known, but the "Laserium Concert" is
a rare find (I've had it a long time). You'll find *two* more
given within these webpages (there are six in all). Also, I've
added a few new photos (jpegs). In "TD Thoughts, Stories,
& Mottoes" you can find the front cover shot from "Key-
board" magazine (April, 1981). It's placed just after the story
about my adventures at the Berkeley Community Theater back
in 1988. There you'll also find some original artwork. A nice
rendition of a TD logo (art by Craig Peterson). Finally, you
can see the original press photo from "Sorcerer" and this is
located at the bottom of the "Analogue section."
PS: Added a bonus picture from "Risky Business" for
those of you now *reading* this tech page. Enjoy! ;-)
More *diehard* ink to follow... ~lol~
~Return to Al's main weblinks~
(on the home page)