
"Objects de Art"


~Art, Film, Art Nuoveau, Pinups & Poster Books~
(also including Art Collections, Brochures & Journals)

Tons of Art Books including Film, Art Nuoveau, Pinup (Esoteric)
and Poster Books (also including Art Collections, Brochures &
Journals). Note that the pictures here will be changed as they
are presented for sale up on eBay. Which means that the jpeg
presentations featured here will come and go from this website.
They are presented here for your enjoyment. Now you can see
the full size scans with an intriguing assortment of books offered
by the "Objects de Art" Collection. Thanks so much for stopping
by and looking... - Mars

Special Note: Added here are the book titles and authors
for the moment. Will be filling in with the publishers and
descriptions shortly. Scanned were mainly the books with
dust jackets and pictorial covers. Much more to follow...

~Just kindly click on one of the links below~

Links directly to the ~Art Books~

"The Art Books"

Links directly to the ~Film Books~

"The Film Books"

Links directly to the ~Art Nouveau, Pinups & Poster Books~

"Art Nuoveau, Pinups, & Poster Books"

Links directly to the ~Art Collections, Brochures & Journals~

"Art Collections, Brochures & Journals"

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